
DSC_0066Joe Ducie

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Twenty five-year-old British born Joe currently resides in Perth, Western Australia. Joe attended Edith Cowan University and graduated in 2010 with a Degree in Counterterrorism, Security and Intelligence. Joe has also studied Creative and Professional Writing at Curtin University.

He is primarily a writer of urban fantasy and science fiction aimed at young adults and, when not talking about himself in the third person, enjoys devouring books at an absurdly disgusting rate and ambling over mountains. Preferably at the same time. Follow Joe on Twitter: @joeducie

Contact Joe:

email: joe.ducie@gmail.com
Website: joeducie.net
Twitter: @joeducie
Facebook: /jducie

11 thoughts on “About

  1. I’ve just finished reading what you’ve published from Heartlands of Time. i’m impressed. Not many make it from fanfic to real publishing. Then again you write on hell of a story, powerful and mature. I wish you the best.

  2. I’ve always been an avid follower of your work (I was a very active DLP poster in my day), and look forward to reading some of your original fiction. I’m just working my way through Heartlands of Time, and I hope it’s being continued!

  3. Hey!

    Just a quick question. A while back I came across your old blog and read the first few chapters of a book you posted on Authonomy – can’t remember what it was called but I really liked what I read. It involved someone surfing a really big wave and he ended up in another world. Any chance that will get published as an e-book eventually?

    • Hi, Dave,

      Oh yep, I remember that story. About a kid named Matt Tristan and his buddy Eddie.

      I haven’t abandoned that story (although I don’t have it with me, it’s on another hard drive in Australia, and I’m currently in Canada) but I did expand on that universe and set up a story that goes before with those characters.

      You can either purchase it on Amazon, or check it out for free here on Wattpad:


      I’ll eventually polish that one off! Thanks for reading!

  4. i miss your wastelands of time series
    i get you are busy with real published works, but every few months i go back to ff hoping to see an update

  5. It’s taken me several years, but i’ve finally decided to harass you.
    The best damn fic i’ve read, and I need closure.
    Just tell me boss, has Heartland been abandoned?
    If so, could you tell me in 50 words how it ends?
    Put me out of my misery.

  6. In response to most of the comments so far: if you wanna see how Heartlands of Time ends, continue reading the Reminiscent Exile 🙂

    Keep scotch, and carry on writing,

  7. Dear Joe,

    I’m disappointed.

    You’ve abandoned us.

    We, who helped you along the way. The ones who bought your first, and second book. Who shared your name with our friends and family. Who got your name out there.

    And yet you leave us uncompleted. Heartlands of time. An Unfound Door.
    If you hadn’t been able to spread the name of your new book through your fanfictions, you wouldn’t be where you are right now. And yet we’ve waited 2 years for an update?

    I would normally never say this, Joe, but seeing that you are doing well enough that you can sit down to write 1,000,000 words over the next year, thanks to us, your fans, then I believe I am justified in saything this.

    You owe Us. Come back to us, finish the stories. Take your time with them, but finish the journey. We’ve been patient enough.

    Love, all your fans at fanfiction.net, and DLP

    • I hear ya, buddy. Those stories are on hiatus – but not abandoned. I’ll see about updating soon. Got some really heavy deadlines in the next month or so, though. Cheers.

      • Joe, I, and many others await your first update. You will always be the man.

        Thanks for the reply, and I apologize for how heavy handed they sound in retrospect. But, it did what it was meant to do, and brought all your fans at fanfiction.net news. And good news at that.

        I’ll see you at the unfound door, on this side of forget.


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